chimera has built in support for automatically generating OpenAPI 3.1 documentation. (the current latest version) It does this by providing structs in openapi.go that cover almost the entirety of the OpenAPI 3.1 spec

When starting a server, the OpenAPI docs are available at /openapi.json with a Swagger UI at /docs.

API Routes

The API struct contains top-level OpenAPI docs that can be retrieved and edited using API.OpenAPISpec(). Technically sub-apis (a la API.Group()) also have an OpenAPI object but they get merged in to the main (i.e. top-most parent) API object. Each call to Get, Post, Patch, Put, Delete, Options adds an Operation to the OpenAPI object by using the provided path, associated HTTP method, and the OpenAPIRequestSpec() and OpenAPIResponsesSpec() functions on the handler’s RequestReader and ResponseWriter respectively. The exception is routes created created with Static() which are hidden from the spec. Similarly you can run Internalize() on any route to hide it from the api spec. Default status code is determined using the following logic:

  • Get, Patch, Put assumes the default response code is 200 (unless this is explicitly changed on the Route object)
  • Post assumes the default response code is 201 (unless this is explicitly changed on the Route object)
  • Delete, Options assumes the default response code is 204 (unless this is explicitly changed on the Route object)
  • The provided response types (i.e. JSONResponse) set the response code to “”, so custom types that use that in their Responses object will have that code overwritten
  • If path/method combinations are overwritten, the most recent one will take precendence in the spec
  • Routes can have the default status code changed using WithResponseCode()


Since OpenAPI 3.1 supports JSONSchema, chimera uses invopop/jsonschema to generate schemas from request/response bodies. This relies heavily on the jsonschema struct tag and other relevant tags based on type (i.e. json, form, param, prop)


OpenAPI parameters use the param struct tag (ParamStructTag) to define how parameters are defined in the spec. The parameters section of the docs covers this further.