
chimera attempts to marshal/unmarshal params via the standards set in OpenAPI. This is done via 2 methods:

func UnmarshalParams(request *http.Request, obj any) error 
func MarshalParams(obj any) (http.Header, error) 

that each utilize the param struct tag of the format:

type ParamStructTag struct {
	Name            string `structtag:"$name"`
	In              In     `structtag:"in,required"`
	Explode         bool   `structtag:"explode"`
	Style           Style  `structtag:"style"`
	Required        bool   `structtag:"required"`
	Description     string `structtag:"description"`
	Deprecated      bool   `structtag:"deprecated"`
	AllowEmptyValue bool   `structtag:"allowEmptyValue"`
	AllowReserved   bool   `structtag:"allowReserved"`

The options closely follow the OpenAPI formats but an overview of the options is as follows:

  • $name: the first value of the struct (similar to json)
  • in: one of cookie, path, query, or header (same as OpenAPI)
  • explode: controls how style works (same as OpenAPI), defaults to false
  • style: one of matrix, label, form, simple, spaceDelimited, pipeDelimited, or deepObject (same as OpenAPI)
  • required: marks the param as required (validation will fail if the param is missing)
  • description: describes the param (same as OpenAPI)
  • deprecated: marks the param as deprecated (same as OpenAPI)
  • allowEmptyValue: same as OpenAPI
  • allowReserved: same as OpenAPI

A complete example of this is:

type Params struct {
    SomeProp string `param:"propName,in=query,explode,style=form,required,description='this is a param',allowEmptyValue,allowReserved"`

Each type that supports utilizing param structs would then unmarshal each field using the options provided. Its important to note that fields that are struct types utilize the prop struct tag to determine the name of the sub properties of a param but cant provide any additional options for validation.


To support customization of param marshaling/unmarshaling the following functions can be implemented:

  • UnmarshalCookieParam(http.Cookie, ParamStructTag) error
  • MarshalCookieParam(ParamStructTag) (http.Cookie, error)
  • UnmarshalHeaderParam([]string, ParamStructTag) error
  • MarshalHeaderParam(ParamStructTag) (http.Header, error)
  • UnmarshalPathParam(string, ParamStructTag) error
  • UnmarshalQueryParam(url.Values, ParamStructTag) error


The included request and response types utilize auto-handling of params like so:

type RequestParams struct {
	PathParam string `param:"some_param,in=path,description:'a parameter'"`

type ResponseParams struct {
	HeaderParam string `param:"my-header,in=header,description:'a response header'"`

chimera.Post(api, "/route/{some_param}", func(req *chimera.NoBodyRequest[RequestParams]) (*chimera.NoBodyResponse[ResponseParams], error) {
    // request contains parsed RequestParams
    return &chimera.NoBodyResponse[ResponseParams]{
		Params: ResponseParams{
			HeaderParam: "some header value", // this will get written to the header "my-header"
	}, nil